What is eWater ?

eWater or Enagic Water is a healthy and delicious ionized alkaline water produced from The Gold Standard certified Enagic’s Water Ionizer which are made under Japanese medical device manufacturing license and under ISO 13485 recognition. This water restores the body to original alkaline state and in Japanese language Kangen means return to origin. Therefore, it is widely known as Kangen Water and it is a brand registered by Enagic to express its identity and help audiences easily figure out the difference from the rest.

The ionized eWater is rich in molecular hydrogen, antioxidants, antacids, and preserved healthy alkaline minerals, which other purification systems flushes out. This alkaline water is also recognized as a nutrition absorbent and a good detoxifier. By choosing to drink Kangen water, you aid your body, brain, and energy in returning to a balanced state.


Alkaline Water


As with most things in life, optimal health begins with balance. Our bodies must maintain a pH balance of 7.365, which is slightly alkaline.

Molecular Hydrogen

Through the process of electrolysis, Kangen water acquires a high concentration of molecular hydrogen, which is gaining recognition as a powerful medicinal gas with numerous potential health benefits. Being the universe’s tiniest element, it has the unique ability to bypass the blood/brain barrier and enter straight into the cell’s mitochondria, where energy is produced. Deep within the cell, molecular hydrogen elevates the energy level, which makes a huge difference. It also reduces inflammation and improves muscle recovery after a workout.

Hydrogen Water


Ionized alkaline eWater (aka Kangen Water) is also a natural antioxidant. Antioxidants are known to prevent or slow down cell damage and premature aging caused by free radicals, the unstable molecules that our body produces as a reaction to environmental and other intake pressures. Consuming antioxidant rich foods and drinks helps reduce the oxidation process, which ultimately helps to promote a healthy body and a longer life.

Antacid Effect

Antacid is a substance that neutralizes stomach acidity and brings relief from conditions like heartburn, and hyperacidity related stomach distress. Kangen Water assists in gastrointestinal movement, and its antacid properties alleviate indigestion and abnormal gastrointestinal fermentation.

Healthy Minerals

Healthy Minerals

eWater ionizers flush unhealthy acidic minerals while preserving healthy alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium while creating alkaline ionized water. These minerals have many health advantages, and an alkalized body often results in more nights of peaceful, deep sleep, an increase in energy, and a reduction in unhealthy weight.

Absorption Power

The ionization process performed within the machine breaks the water molecules into micro clusters. So, the Kangen water is able to absorb more nutrients from substances dipped in it. In addition, it enhances the flavor of dishes or drinks made using kangen water.

Absorption Power


Most substances that we ingest along with food and drinks are acidic. An acidic state in the body hinders its ability to detoxify and compromises the body’s systems of the body. Hence, highly pH-sensitive liver enzymes are needed for detoxification. If the body is chronically acidic, these liver enzymes become compromised and are unable to do their job. Ingesting alkaline stuff like alkaline water enhances and accelerates the detoxification process and enables the body to flush toxins out through urine excretion.


Dehydration (Ref: BMC)

Dehydration occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in. The dull taste or bad smell of your water may be reducing your hydration. Meet Kangen water, which is delicious in taste because of the high grade activated carbon filter, is pure from impurities, and is ionized to make it alkaline. Definitely, it will raise water intake, and additionally, some research has concluded that the alkalizing effect adds extra hydration based on blood viscosity.

Tiredness (Ref: )

Tiredness is also known as fatigue, reduced energy, physical or mental exhaustion, or a lack of motivation. On the other hand, hydration is key to feeling energetic. Moreover, molecular hydrogen in kangen water helps boost the energy level from deep inside the cell’s mitochondria, which makes a difference.


Cell Damage (Ref: )

Severe oxidative stress progressively leads to cell dysfunction and ultimately cell death. Antioxidants prevent cell damage by donating electrons to free radicals. Defense cell damage by drinking antioxidant rich Kangen water from a medical grade unit.

Overweight (Ref: )

Overweight, or obesity, is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat. If you are finding it hard to lose weight, drink Kangen water. Drinking Kangen water makes you feel full, which reduces intake and increases the rate of metabolism, where fat burns quickly. In addition, the alkali in Kangen Water helps neutralize and release acidic waste, which encourages fat loss.


Distress Mood (Ref: nih.gov)

Chronic oxidative stress and inflammation cause deterioration in central nervous system function, leading to anxiety or uneasiness of mind. Drinking hydrogen-rich water (aka Kangen Water) can prevent inflammation and may thus contribute to stopping uncomfortable feelings of nervousness or worry.

Dull Skin (Ref: )

Does your skin look lackluster, lifeless, or flat? It may be because of dehydration or a lack of vitamins, healthy alkaline minerals, or antioxidants. Kangen water, rich in antioxidants and healthy minerals, supercharges hydration and helps flush out toxins, which promotes a clear, healthy, and glowing complexion.


Hangover (Ref: go.jp)

Alcohol consumption causes toxin production in the liver and dehydration. The body’s effort to detoxify itself results in an upset stomach, vomiting, nausea, and headaches commonly referred to as “hangovers.” Just like alkaline diuresis, ionized alkaline Kangen water helps excrete toxins and hydrate faster and more efficiently than plain water. As a result, you recover from a hangover faster. Drinking alkaline water prior to alcohol consumption may prevent hangovers by reducing the production of a toxin called hydrogen-peroxide which damages liver tissue. Alcohol consumption harms health; better not drink.

Exercise Intolerance (Ref: nih.gov)

Exercise intolerance is the inability or decreased ability to perform physical exercise at the normally expected level. This is because exercise causes an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS). An increase in ROS can cause damage to the cell membrane and dysfunctions in the cellular mitochondria, which are associated with increased fatigue and a loss of performance. In a study, drinking water that is rich in antioxidants and hydrogen is said to increase energy, reduce inflammation, and reduce recovery times after workouts, which ultimately increases performance or exercising ability.


GERD/HEARTBURN (Ref: nih.gov)

Because of the reflux of stomach acid into your esophagus, GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease) is known to induce a burning, flaming pit in the chest. On the other hand, indigestion tablets cause side effects like heart attacks. Alkaline water has been used for gradual relief of the symptoms of GERD since the 1960s in Japan, there are no side effects. And the good news is that ionized alkaline Kangen water is recognized to assist in gastrointestinal movement, and its antacid properties alleviate indigestion and abnormal gastrointestinal fermentation.