eWater Entrepreneurship

Discover how you can create a freedom business by incorporating Enagic.

The Opportunity

Through healthy drinking water, Enagic offers lifelong global distribution rights to start a wealth developing business and a chance to reinforce entrepreneurial and life skills that amplifies self-worth. This is a self-development opportunity with healthy compensation plan. If you have a desire to run a business but obligated by capital or skills, then this is a perfect match because desire is what lead us to success.

Enagic makes it really easy to start and grow your distribution business. This patented system is different from others in the marketplace for its unique characteristics which include:


No signup fees

Just purchase a unit for own health and be ready to rock and roll.


Free Lifetime Global Distribution Rights

No monthly or annual renewal charges involved. No membership fees.


Healthy 8-Point Compensation

Earn up to $2040 (USD) per unit based on your rank achieved.


Back Office Portal

Find information or marketing tools that you may require to create your content.


No inventory stocking

You don’t have to stockpile inventory with you to start your business.


Borderless Market

Enagic is registered in 24 countries and supplies products from 40 locations. Represent and make a sale on a global scale.


Accumulative sales

Receive pay and rank-up when you make a sale or one of your team members makes a sale based on the 8-point system.


No time limits

Work in your free-time or stay inactive for ages without losing your rank or distribution rights. Bounce back to business at your own pace.


Many Monetary Incentives

Access incentives like monthly pay, an educational allowance, and many more just by selling more.

The Rewards

Enagic pays a 54% commission (i.e up to USD 2040) on each item sold, meaning that a consumer, as Enagic’s sales representative, can earn thousands of dollars on one sale by selling products that are incredible for our health and environmentally sustainable.

Enagic is able to reroute such high profits back to its consumers (representatives) by replacing middlemen (wholesalers, retailers), brand ambassadors, and marketing and advertising characters with its customers. And it is true that almost 50% of the revenue of a traditional manufacturer is taken up by these connectors. To be part of this connecting business, we, as the representative, have to do the marketing and advertising for them by sharing Enagic’s products with people all over the world.

To realize how much commission you can make or what position you will hold, you have to understand Enagic’s patented 8-Point System. The word patented means this system is unique and no other business can copy it, and there are 8 points and 6 ranks (1A to 6A). Rank represents point-value times that the agent is eligible to earn. The title or position one can achieve is infinite.

The codes 1A to 6A represent 1 agent commission,…, 6 agent commission. Similarly, point value is based on the product; each point has a different value. For example, 1 point for K8 = $340 (USD), 1 point for SD501 = $240 and so on. So, let’s say distributor John is a 6A distributor and sells a K8 machine. Now, he will be able to receive 6 x $340 = $2040. The remaining 2 points (2 x $340= $680) will go as passive income to his upline for his hard work in training and guiding John. Isn’t it rewarding ?

The Career Path Beyond 6A

Enagic’s compensation does not stop there. You are able to continue growing your business until you receive residual income. You could be earning above $20,000/ month as a passive salary for your lifetime.

the career beyond 6A

For detailed information regarding the 8 point payout system and compensation beyond 6A, please watch the video produced by one of Enagic’s representatives. This video may help you realize how much you can earn.

Kangen Degreasing Water

The Problem

Despite being such a profitable venture, there are unsuccessful stories, like in other ventures. Many start-up entrepreneurs fail or give-up within a few months because to be successful, it mainly requires:


Profitable System

Imagine how much owners pay in rent for a physical store location and what’s about wages?
Even if the business appears to be thriving, almost all profits are often eaten up by such expenses. One of the core reasons people fail in business is due to expensive overhead and labor cost combined with an ineffectiveness, low-margin-profit and non-scalability. What we need to look at in a business is its scalability, profit margin and lowest outgoing expenses.
With eWater Entrepreneurship, you are offered a robust online business system designed to reduce overhead costs, reach a global market, increase productivity and reduce workloads for under $200 for lifetime. And with an 8-point patented system, this business opens the door to generate revenue above 100K in just 80 sales and collect more for lifetime with Free Lifetime Global Distribution Rights.


Entrepreneurial Mindset

System doesn’t work by itself, requires an operator and depends on how seriously the person is into it. In general, many of us have an employee mindset and expect instant salary-like results, whereas a business, like a baby, requires care, sacrifices, and time to yield results. Success in business is zero if one doesn’t switch their mindset from employee to entrepreneurial because mental fortitude is one to make or break and business seeks leadership mind and we can boost it through self-growth, mental fortitude and installing wisdom to achieve success. And the best part is, this business, especially with our collaboration, create a perfect synergy to strengthen mental fortitude, Enterprising mindset and make money simultaneously.


Enterprising Skills

Specialization in specific hard skills may help to get a job, but to be in a managerial position, soft skills play a vital role. Likewise, enterprising skills such as persuasion and soft skills are the hidden, often unrealized keys to success. However, many people attempt to run a business without honing these skills, leading to failure.
With eWater Entrepreneurship, there is an opportunity to practically sharpen these skills for stronger public relationships, effective communications, conflict resolution, and leadership qualities with influence and integrity, ultimately achieving goals and realizing one’s full potential.


Effective Back Support

The bitter truth, in physical business there is no mentorship available to guide in tough times nor any trustworthy accountability partner to share knowledge for betterment. Owners are left alone to run business at their own risk with whatever ideas they have and remember one mistake can make a huge loss. In other hand, in most direct selling industry, many mentors or uplines are victim of greediness, they teach to fake and make a pussy sales with misleading infos as a result, novices find themselves adrift like ships in the ocean, devoid of guidance, experiencing stress and disillusionment, and considering exit as their only option. That’s why rightful back support is crucial to move ahead. Only trustworthy steps and actions can create an emotional bond that keeps people together as a family and ignites the energy to move towards a target in a clearly defined rightful way. For the right information, right direction and right resources it’s good to be a part of our team.

The Bulletproof Journey With Us

If you have a burning desire, a destination, a plan where you want to be, or what you want to be then we have the resources, deeds and directions that can help lead you there. Those who have great desire are people we greatly respect, their obsession to accomplish their desire makes them the top achievers or difference-makers. You can be a top performer, you can avoid challenges, you can enhance skills, you can create time freedom, and you can generate wealth only if you can be a lifelong learner. If you are ready, we can help with:


System Setup


Technical Support


Skilful Resources


Business Monetization Insights

Kangen Sanitary Water
Meet the figures who have achieved freedom & living life on their own terms through Enagic business.

The top Achievers

Achieved Rank: 6A2-3
Rank 6A2-8 receives USD 80,000/month as passive incentive, excluding sales commission, bonuses and others. Imagine how much 6A13-7 will be receiving each month ?
Achieved Rank: 6A2-3
Rank 6A2-8 receives USD 80,000/month as passive incentive, excluding sales commission, bonuses and others. Imagine how much 6A13-7 will be receiving each month ?
Achieved Rank: 6A2-3
Rank 6A2-8 receives USD 80,000/month as passive incentive, excluding sales commission, bonuses and others. Imagine how much 6A13-7 will be receiving each month ?

Many more have made success in enagic’s history


Are you ready to START Yours?